Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby Shower

After months of planning with a great group of gals, my wonderful friend's baby shower was a beautiful success! A lot of work went into this special day for a special person. Tiffany's pregnant with their 3rd child and it's a GIRL! She's due the beginning of June and we are all so excited for her! She's so calm and such a great mom! We've been friends since our late teen years and it's been a great friendship! We've been through a lot together and I'm thankful God has preserved and blessed our friendship all these years!

When Tiffany called me some months ago, she was not super excited about her pregnancy. They weren't planning it and she had a  million concerns going through her mind! But God always has a plan so we know this was no accident!! She's now excited and ready for the arrival of Harper Reese!

Lemon-Lime Sugar Cookie Truffles

Cake Pops

Sweet Treat Party Favors
Sugar Scrub

Doughnut Tree

Yummy Pinwheels

My moms famous sausage balls!

My sweet Ella Beth

Yogurt bar! This was a huge hit!
Doily Lantern

The sweet mother-to-be, Tiffany!

Little Miss Bailee! Proud sister to be!!
I'm so thrilled the shower came together the way it did cause Tiffany's usually with me to help plan everything and she can see the finished plan in her mind before we begin but I cannot. I would love to have that gift but I just don't. I have to see something before I can put it into action! So, for everything to fall into place really warmed my heart and I know Tiffany was pleased as well!!

Can't wait to meet Miss Harper! I love you Tiff and I'm so thankful for our wonderful friendship! I know all the other girls who helped feel the same way!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Relying on God's Strength

We've been busy. I sit and wonder how everyone gets everything done! And then I sit back and come to my senses that everything doesn't get done! What a lie I tell myself! ha! I have these unreachable expectations of how I feel I should run the household. I have to snap back to reality every now and again and laugh at my desire to have everything perfect!

It will never be perfect.

I'm too busy raising two, sweet, little girls, caring for a wonderful husband and too busy helping with our new family members.....2 bunnies and 4 baby chicks! The girls actually care for them much more than I have. They have fallen in love with our mini farm!

I'm very proud of the care they've been giving our furry friends!!

Sweet little bunny checking out the new chicks!  We also kept my niece the day we got the chicks from the farm supply! She loved them!

This week I have been crazier than normal cause with the help of some friends we've been planning a baby shower for one of my dearest friends! It's this Saturday! We've been planning it for months so I've been crafting it up! I love planning things and I love crafting and making things myself instead of buying them. Even though I love it, I still get overwhelmed cause I try and do too much. I just see so many things I would love to do and I get in over my head. Thankfully I have lots of other people working with me so it's not going to be as overwhelming!!

I've had to revamp my priorities a little in order to get everything worked in. My house has not been as picked up cause I've been sewing, painting, baking, making fabric flowers and paper flower punches for some extra little touches. And all this on top of school days with the girls and work at night. It's no wonder I feel a little crazy from time to time.... or daily!! ha!

But, I do sometimes find myself relying too much on my strength and not the strength God has for me. When I start to burn out and wonder why I'm falling apart I soon realize I'm trying to do life without God's power. I've come to know it's just impossible!  I'm thankful for His gentle reminders and nudges that I need to reach out for His help DAILY!!

Are you relying on God today or your own strength? It's easy to try and do it on our own but God's there to help you!! I hope you rely on Him today!!

And so, I'm off to fix breakfast and get our school day started!! Hopefully I will rely on God when I sit down to do math with my oldest!! I need all the Jesus I can get during that time!! :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's Easter!!!

It's Easter Sunday! One of my favorite times of year!

We did Easter baskets. Went to church. Had a great lunch with our awesome families! It was so nice! We got a bunny- look how cute-

But really, Easter is so much more than just another time to get candy or have everyone together for a family meal.

It's JESUS!!

My Savior..... He's so precious to me. He died a brutal death for no other reason than because He loves us!! How beautiful and humbling that is to know! But it's not just that He died for me but that He rose again!!! He did not stay in that grave! He's alive and He wants a relationship with us!!!

I honestly can't truly wrap my mind around the meaning of this day. To sit here and really think about it floors me. I look at my life and think how could someone love me, ME,  so much that He died for me? I'm not even worthy of that. I know the person I am. I know my heart and my thoughts and they aren't pretty most of the time. But Jesus loves me anyway- with all my imperfections.


Thank you, Jesus. I just get all giddy thinking about how amazing the whole story is and that's its still being written!!

I think the words to "Oh Glorious Day" by Casting Crowns  speaks volumes about how great this  love story is!

One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One day when sin was as black as could be
Jesus came forth to be born of a Virgin
Dwelt among men, my example is He

Word became flesh and the light shined among us
His glory revealed

Living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day

One day they led Him up Calvary's mountain
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He

Hands that healed nations, stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me

'Cause living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day

One day the grave could conceal Him no longer
One day the stone rolled away from the door
Then He arose, over death He had conquered
Now He's ascended, my Lord evermore

Death could not hold Him
The grave could not keep Him from rising again

Living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day
Glorious day

One day the trumpet will sound for His coming
One day the skies with His glories will shine
Wonderful day, my beloved one bringing
My Savior Jesus is mine

Living He loved me, dying He saved me
And buried He carried my sins far away
Rising He justified freely forever
One day He's coming, oh, glorious day, oh, glorious day
Glorious day, oh, glorious day

How great are the words to this song? Ahhhh!!! It gives me chills and makes me want to stand shout, "Praise God!!"  :) They sand it in church this morning and I could hardly contain myself!

God is just good. He is good, He is good, He is good!

On another note- we went to a friends farm last week and here are a few pictures of all the fun we had!! Makes me want a farm of our own!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

We paid our car off!!! Whoo hoo!! We're really making progress!!!!

But then.....

Our shower door broke.

Our dryer broke.


I was about to really let this issue bother me but my sweet, precious 7 year old said, "It's a good thing we're not poor." Which is so funny cause I use to always say, "We don't have money for that" when she asked for something. So she thought we were poor. I changed my answer now to, "That's not really a priority right now" so she now knows the difference.

We aren't poor. We don't have extra money just laying around to get the latest fashion trend of the week or anything but we have plenty. Our needs are always, without fail met. And met to the fullest!

I'm eating good food as I'm typing (I have to multi-task in order to get anything done).

We have clothes overflowing in our closet and drawers.

We have money in the bank and change in a dish.

Our bills are always paid.






Not to mention we have a God who is loving and gracious and who has forgiven us of all our wrongs!!! That is the most awesome blessing of all!!

Isn't this signs of being RICH? We are indeed blessed beyond measure and I'm not going to let a silly dryer or shower door distract me from the true blessings in life.

It's easy to lose focus. I do it a lot. But I'm so thankful God used my sweet little Jada to re-focus my priorities today.

So, we loaded up the clothes in the basket and put hung them our grandmothers old clothes line (she lives next door)!

God is good.
Yep, He's good all the time. Good.Bad.Laughing.Crying.
In plenty and in want.
He's good.

Monday, March 26, 2012

WHEW!!! I can't believe it's been over a week since I've posted. Last week was just one of those weeks that I would fall out of bed and hit the ground running. Had to just keep my big girl panties on all week even though some of those days I felt like crying like my little girls did.

Fun times!! Lot's of moments I can use for "personal growth." It wore me out but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!! LOL

It's amazing at how I can view my relationship with my girls kind of like my relationship with God.... I'm in absolutely NO way comparing myself to God. I'm only comparing the authoritative role. I sometimes wonder how God is so patient. He has so many people to "set straight" and I only have my two little ones and the furry child too and I think I'm going to blow a gasket at times. It just amazes me!!  I feel so frustrated and out of control at times and then I realize I'm trying to get it all done in my own strength or that my priorities are TOTALLY out of whack!! I mean trying to do a blog post is totally more important than feeding my children right? (Ohh, I'm kidding, I'm kidding)

But seriously- how is it that God allows me to mess up multiple times (as in a million PLUS some) and still calmly persuades me to listen and be obedient.... but here my kids don't listen the first time and I'm ready to jerk them up and take TV away for a year!! Where's my gentleness and grace as a parent? Don't get me wrong- our kids need to listen. They need to understand how important obedience, boundaries and consequences are cause those things are all throughout life.... but how many times has it taken God to get through to my heart? How many years did it take Him by gently calling me and continuously loving me for me to fall back down at His feet and lay my life down for Him to use? Well, let's just say it was a long time and I never felt God's wrath but rather a gentle tug at my heart to choose what was best. His purpose and not my own.

Oh how I forget.

Gentleness. That's what I need to carry out. Patience is what I need to show. Love and Grace is what I need to flow instead of anger and frustration.

Anger and lack of self control will get me no where. Here's a few scriptures I reference A LOT! I fail miserably but thankfully God is there to help me succeed!

Psalm 145:8 "The Lord is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love." 

How awesome!! He's ABOUNDING in steadfast love!!

Proverbs 15:1 "A soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh words stirs up anger." Boy oh boy do I know this first hand! I remember when I was younger and anger only angered me and I see the same thing transpire in rages of fury with my little one. My anger only causes her anger to grow.

But we are to lean on God and His strength to get us through these times. I rely on my own strength more than I would like to admit. I'm so thankful I serve a God who doesn't allow His love to depend on my failures or strengths. He loves me no matter my failures and struggles and insecurities!!!

He loves us!!  What an amazing truth to comprehend!!

I hope you understand how much you are loved too!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Sitting here with my sweet Ella. Calm. Relaxed. No rushing of any sort and it's 7:34am. Jada's sound asleep. School should be starting soon right? Smile. That's one things I love about homeschool....among many. No screaming or scurrying around each morning and getting stuck in traffic. Jada can rest and catch up on sleep and Ella and I can catch up on cuddle time.

It hasn't taken long to fall right into place with keeping my girls at home. Do I still get concerned with what Jada's learning? YES! Not enough learning? Too much learning? Age appropriate learning? How will she do on her test?  But, I know we made the right choice for our family and I'm thankful everyday that we were called for this challenge and this life! God has provided the support, encouragement and the mind-set I need to teach my girls the best we can!! Besides, we're only 2 months in!!! I'm still finding our groove so I still question a lot!

I never saw myself as a stay-at-home mom. But God called us to make that decision for our family. I never saw myself as someone who would ever choose to homeschool. But God chose this path for our family. I know that God's plan for our lives is bigger and better than I could ever choose on my own. So, when the seed to homeschool was planted (by Greg's dad, might I add) I was certain I could not carry out such a huge task!! I was absolutely certain I COULD NOT!!


Don't tell God what you can't do. He'll show you that with Him you CAN. (Philippians 4:13)

After Greg's dad mentioned it and after my first initial, "I can't!" it was almost over night that God changed our hearts, our priorities, our plans and gave us this desire to be obedient to Him.

People- when you are obedient to God GREAT things happen!!! Great Joy and blessings come to those who are faithful to His calling!!!!

I don't mean you will win the jack pot or a new car or anything like that. I mean, you will have joy, peace, contentment and a greater understanding of how GREAT God is. Those things I will take over money or material things any day. To have contentment and peace of mind far outweigh what this world can offer.

These are a few blessings I have received from choosing God's path:

  • More time with my girls.
  • More laughs, fun and giggles!! (who wouldn't want this?)
  • Getting to teach them more life lessons
  • Getting to know where they struggle and where I can step in and encourage and love and teach how to overcome these struggles.
  • To feel God's strength and power working in my life when I know I don't have the energy!

These are just a few to start with. Who wouldn't more time with there little ones? I know at first I was nervous. I enjoyed Jada but she and I are so much a like we tend to clash at times.... anyone else deal with that? I have a feeling I'm not alone. Ohhhhh, we still have our moments, but what parent and child doesn't? But, God has taken our relationship to a whole new level.

I've been nothing but amazed and over joyed since we took this leap of faith. I've seen God's promises and faithfulness. And THAT my friend, is so wonderful to experience in life!!! I get excited every time I think about how faithful He's been to us!!! I get excited about a lot of things but that's one that goes beyond my normal realm of excitement!!!  I have extremely high hopes and desire for more excitement and amazing experiences in the homeschooling years to come!

God. Is. So. Good.

Well friends, I'm going to pack my bags soon! Some friends and I are headed to Greenville, SC later today for the Extraordinary Women's Conference!! I'm beyond excited!! Details below!!! I will be sure and report back!!  Until then- have a wonderful God filled weekend!! I know I will!!


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Breathing a Little Easier

I was super excited this morning to check my bank account. I've checked it everyday this past week hoping some of our tax return checks had been deposited. Everyday I would be so excited and then, of course, it wasn't in there!! Argh.....You would think I was so excited cause we had big plans to go shopping.... new clothes, new shoes, some fabulous accessories or maybe a trip or something planned. Those would be nice. But, no, we weren't going to make any new purchases but I was still equally, if not more, excited with our plans!!  You see, Greg and I have been praying that God would help us become more content with what we have. (Phil 4:11-12) Our house. The clothes we wear. The cars we drive. Not always going and buying more. Being resourceful and good stewards with what we have been given. We've been praying that God would release the chains that our debt had on us. We didn't have a lot of major debt.... a few credit cards, car payment, equity line and our house.....pretty normal eh? But still, it wasn't pleasing to God and it still made me feel suffocated and frustrated.

So, we are currently down to Greg's car, (which we went all crazy a couple years ago and traded his beautiful Nissan Titan in for something that was less on gas and more affordable each month) our equity line and house.

Well!!!! Today, I paid over $5,000 on his car and we will have it paid off NEXT MONTH, or whenever the next tax check comes in!!!  This has been a long time coming and Greg has put in a lot of hard work, dedication and has been completely focused on working more so we can get to where God wants us to be. We went through Dave Ramsey's, Financial Peace, at our church about 1 1/2 years ago and we have come a long way!!! I'm so thankful! I feel a little lighter and I feel like skipping or hopping today instead of just walking!!

Here are a few scriptures that I have relied on in our journey and will continue to until our last house payment is paid!! (and probably forever more in other areas of my life)

Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up"

Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed."

Here are also a few scripture Dave points out in his book that I really loved!!

Proverbs 22:7 "The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."  I don't know about you but I don't want to serve anyone except the one who went to the cross for my sin!!!

Romans 13:8 "Owe no one anything except to love one another"

So, we still have a long ways to go but we are making toddler steps now and we are seeing progress. My husband is super amazing for working as hard as he does and for being the best provider I know!! God is more than generous to me. I'm so undeserving of all the blessings He's given!! Amazed, just amazed is what I am!!!

If you would like more information on Dave Ramsey's program you can visit his web site:

Dave's web site

Or you can contact Catawba Heights Baptist Church @ 704-827-8474. they offer classes!!!  Or go to their web site here

Ahhhh- welp, I'll sleep a little better tonight knowing our pockets aren't as tight!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

This has been a day full of, "If I have to repeat myself one more time"..... so, Jada got TV taken away first thing this morning cause she was lolly gaggin with her school work. She tends to drag her feet and that just doesn't fit my, "we have to get it done now" personality! ha! I need to get passed that trait cause it's hard to have while parenting. Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath, blow it out and smile. That's difficult for me. I'm trying. I have a long ways to go. God is working on me and I know He will work wonders.....eventually.

So, since there was no TV today we were listening to music on TV and Jada flipped to some kids music so she could dance!! Well, for a few years now Jada has called me the "no" mom and Greg's the "yes" dad. I mean, I have to say no more cause I'm with them Geesh, I can't say yes or they would run all over me!! I have to stand my ground!! :) So, back to the music, she flipped to the kid station and she shouted, "Mom, LISTEN!"  This song was on and I honestly found it to be the most humerous thing all day!!

I love my girls and I hate putting my foot down, but, they have to learn they can't have everything and the world doesn't revolve around them. I pray they grow to posses the fruits of the Spirit.
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,  Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control. 

When I teach my girls and when I discipline them and whatever else I do for them, I'm trying my best to point them to the ONE who matters most. It's hard to teach life lessons when you want to give them so much but what would that teach them? Life will not hand them everything. It's hard and just plain disappointing at times but the rewards in life out weigh those things that leave us discouraged. I pray with all my heart they will one day look back and thank me for being firm and setting boundaries and letting my "yes be yes and no be no" Matthew 5:37 (and I'm certain they will)

Until tomorrow! This day has ended on a fabulous note!! Jada started piano lessons today from her great grandmother so she played a few notes for us!! :) Nighty night all!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Little of This and a Little of That

I dream about crafts and my husband dreams about gardening. We've been busy with both this weekend! I sewed a camera strap cover for a friend. It's my favorite I've made this far!

 Baked homemade sourdough bread  and muffins (yummylicious), and I blanched and froze broccoli from the garden and have a bowl full of spinach. Still debating on freezing it or using it for salads this week.

These don't look so great but they were delicious!

The hubby's clearing out the old and bringing in the new! I can't wait for fresh fruits and veggies!! We picked up some garden goodies at Lowe's today and are excited to plant them soon. I can almost taste a BLT with fresh tomatoes or homemade spaghetti sauce with some hidden veggies (squash and zucchini)! Ahhhh I love the benefits of spring and summer!  Long days, no school, sun kissed skin and lip smackin' tastiness from the garden!!

My super hot hubby watering our bales of hay

What are some of your summer or garden favorites? If you have any recipes please share!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Little Treasures

Yesterday I went and visited my Grammy since she was resting from a procedure she had done. The  girls love playing at her house cause she has a whole room devoted to her dolls and such. She has a doll house that the girls run to and could play in for hours! It was nice to visit with her and I also left with some really great treasures she decided to part with.

Beautiful pot I fell in love with

Finally I have a nice basket for our MANY remotes (unsure how to use the all)
A vintage jar for my sewing needles!!
The older I get the more emphasis I seem to put on sentimental things that have been passed down. Most of my favorite things have been given to me by my grandmother. A beautiful framed handkerchief that was her sisters, a water vase, the "something old" I wore on my wedding day which was a vintage handkerchief, and a few other things I will always consider a little blessing! I think these new treasures she gave me today will be among the things I cherish from her!! These little things bring me such joy!