Monday, March 12, 2012

This has been a day full of, "If I have to repeat myself one more time"..... so, Jada got TV taken away first thing this morning cause she was lolly gaggin with her school work. She tends to drag her feet and that just doesn't fit my, "we have to get it done now" personality! ha! I need to get passed that trait cause it's hard to have while parenting. Sometimes you just have to take a deep breath, blow it out and smile. That's difficult for me. I'm trying. I have a long ways to go. God is working on me and I know He will work wonders.....eventually.

So, since there was no TV today we were listening to music on TV and Jada flipped to some kids music so she could dance!! Well, for a few years now Jada has called me the "no" mom and Greg's the "yes" dad. I mean, I have to say no more cause I'm with them Geesh, I can't say yes or they would run all over me!! I have to stand my ground!! :) So, back to the music, she flipped to the kid station and she shouted, "Mom, LISTEN!"  This song was on and I honestly found it to be the most humerous thing all day!!

I love my girls and I hate putting my foot down, but, they have to learn they can't have everything and the world doesn't revolve around them. I pray they grow to posses the fruits of the Spirit.
Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness,  Goodness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control. 

When I teach my girls and when I discipline them and whatever else I do for them, I'm trying my best to point them to the ONE who matters most. It's hard to teach life lessons when you want to give them so much but what would that teach them? Life will not hand them everything. It's hard and just plain disappointing at times but the rewards in life out weigh those things that leave us discouraged. I pray with all my heart they will one day look back and thank me for being firm and setting boundaries and letting my "yes be yes and no be no" Matthew 5:37 (and I'm certain they will)

Until tomorrow! This day has ended on a fabulous note!! Jada started piano lessons today from her great grandmother so she played a few notes for us!! :) Nighty night all!!

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